Why I Don’t Like Vegetarians
(Note: This is a personal rant of David Thier’s and does not reflect the views of the Yale Sustainable Food Project) If one more person, fresh from skimming the first chapter of The Omnivore’s Dilemma,...
View ArticleVote Yes on Prop 2
(Note: This is a personal rant of Zan Romanoff’s and does not reflect the views of the Yale Sustainable Food Project) California’s political leanings tend to mirror its geographical positioning:...
View ArticleJerk in the Boston Globe
By David Thier The Boston Globe recently ran a particularly idiotic collumn railing on the possibility of Harvard starting a farm, railing on the actuality of Yale having a farm, railing on the...
View ArticleHealthcare, Healthcare, Healthcare
The sustainable food movement has been criticized by not learning from other lobbying organizations, not going after clear, definable goals, not understanding itself or the world. How does one frame...
View ArticleHorseradish: What a Jerk
By David Thier According to German folklore, horseradish can be planted at the corners of potato beds to deter potato bugs. It looks nice that way– the big, broad leaves contrast slightly with the...
View ArticleCaitlin Flanagan vs. Alice Waters, Part I
In the most recent issue of The Atlantic, writer (and mother, I might add) Caitlin Flanagan takes on edible schoolyards. Flanagan attempts to challenge the argument that edible schoolyards are not only...
View ArticleCaitlin Flanagan vs. Alice Waters, Part II
A guest post by YSFP alumna Zan Romanoff ’09 on the recent Atlantic piece on edible schoolyards. Agree? Disagree? Comment and tell us about it! Organic agriculture is a subject on which people often...
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